Wednesday, March 28, 2012

five obessions.

1. fun prints/quotes. i love them. i save them all. i'm like a teenager with posters of justin biebs all over her bedroom except i don't hang them up, because i don't want to ruin them. i just collect prints, in hopes of finding somewhere to put them one day.

2. peeta mellark. i have developed a severe obsession with peeta mellark. how could you not? i want him to be in real life. not josh hutcherson, but peeta, yep. before seeing the movie (hunger games), i was unsure of who they casted as peeta but after seeing it, i totally am in love. i googled him today and just read/watched youtubes/looked at pictures of him. if that isn't obsession, i don't know what is. love me some peeta and katniss. how awesome was that movie? not as awesome as the books, i know but pretty close! i can't wait for the second one.

3. chickfila. it's bad. i love it. i eat it at least once a week. their chargrilled and fruit salad is my favorite. hey, at least it's a salad right? hehe what are ya gonna do! this was me today, on my lazy day. i stopped at chikfila and of course i was super happy. i'm embarrassed just looking at myself ; ) my eyebrows look funny, don't they? hehe

4. target. this might be one of my biggest/worst/best obsessions ever. i love target so much, for, um, everything. i'm there at least twice a week. sometimes i just go to walk around, hoping i'll find something. if i'm in a bad mood, i go to target. as a matter of fact, i went today! who doesn't love target? 

5. cupcakes, obvi! and this poster. how cute, right? anyway, i love cupcakes and baking them, finding new recipes, and finding any excuse to bake them for others. they are fun, happy, and so delicious despite the fact that they will make me extremely fat one day if i keep eating them. oh well : )

i have a bunch of obsessions. these are just some. 
i love too many things, all the time. what can i say? 

happy thursday!


  1. <3 Peeta and Josh Hutcherson= perfect casting. I ate 3 cupcakes for my bday yesterday and one for breakfast today :) and cannot wait to spend my bday gift cards to target. good obsessions :)


    1. ah, i'm jealous! and you're going to have too much fun at target, so many cute sun dresses : ) happy birthday again!! thanks for reading danielle : )

  2. Now I'm craving Chick-fil-a! Haha. I've never tried the fruit salad, but I'll have to now! I just found your cute blog through Chelsea! I invite you to check out mine! Have a great week!

    1. it's delicious. i totally suggest it : ) thanks for reading! i always love finding new blogs, definitely will check yours out : )

  3. Oh my!
    So, I just stumbled upon your blog this evening. So cute! :)
    I must say that I am kinda in love with this post.
    I am pretty much obsessed with it ALL!
    Oh goodness, and Peeta ... sweet, kind, loving Peeta ... I can't even go there.
    I have been trying not to think about THG since reading the books ... and then the movie came out and I have seen it TWICE!! ahhhh!!
    Anyways, enough of that mess. ;)
    I hope you have a great night!!
    much love, colie.

    1. I'm so glad you stumbled your way over here! Yay, you are a peeta lover like myself, isn't he adorable : ) thank you so much for reading, made my day! : )


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