Monday, July 22, 2013

takin' some photos.

photo by Quincy Adam Photography 

We strolled the streets, sweat in the heat, sat in the grass, watched the horses, sat on the sidewalk watching the cars pass last weekend while getting our engagement photos taken. It was a lot more fun than we thought it was going to be. You're always a little skeptical when you face three hours of having your photo taken (in the heat), but we made the best of it, and came out with some really great photos. 
I think David has had enough picture taking for years but he better gear up for more in a few months : ) 
To reward ourselves that night, we had some pizza, relaxed our aching cheeks from all the smiling, and sat in the blasting air conditioning. 

Photo by Quincy Adam Photography 

change in pace.

It's about time for one of those life changes that you need every 4-5 years. Maybe a change in pace, job,  location, hobby, fitness goal, etc. There are those are completely content in their lives; who enjoy the steady pace of their days, the predictability of their evenings, and the confidence that everything is just the way it should be. And....then there are people (like little 'ole' me) who are content but want more, who need a little change every now and then, a switch in scenery, a new job to grow their talents, and a new hobby to make their time worthwhile. 

I think I'm due for a change. I'm still trying to decide where this change will come from and where it will take me. I've reached a point in life where the most important things in life are constant and that's reassuring but the parts of life that bring excitement are ever-changing and I'm ready for one of those to come rolling my way. So here we go. 

On a lighter note, I mentioned to David the other day, "I need a change." That man said, "Why don't you change the colors in the bathroom like you wanted." I have to love him....
Maybe to spark the inspiration, I will take his advice. I did just buy some pretty new yellow towels. 

: )

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of JU-ly!

Happy 4th from us!
Hope you enjoy your day, just like we are!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Little did I know.

If you spoke to me about 5 years ago - I did not necessarily have this illuminated vision of what my life was like or what it held. I didn't really know exactly what I wanted to do after I received that diploma in hand- I just knew that I wanted to make difference in the world. I knew...that I did not want the gifts that I had to go to waste and hopefully, they would bring happiness to others as well-and maybe make their lives a bit easier for even a fleeting moment. 

I had no attachments to the present or to any one being - besides my family - they are inescapable, fortunately. I had no desire to meet the man of my dreams- I was a fickle one, finding and living passion to passion-hobby to hobby-creating, living, and doing whatever I could to make my mark in the world. 

I just knew I wanted to live day to day and make memories that would last. I didn't know the girl that listened to her heart a little too much sometimes as much as I wanted to. 

Little did I know, that with the speed of a brush stroke- my life would start well on it's path to something I really had no control over. I just sat for this ride-to only look back now and think wow-this is the person I've become-'so crazy'. It's a very strange yet satisfying experience to sit down and think - this is who I am now- and to be certain in that moment of every fiber in your being and what it stands for, but still-accepting the fact that in five years from now-I will do the same thing again - wiser (hopefully!). 

5 years ago - little did I know I would meet a man that would make my world spin and continue to keep it spinning-steadily with his own. Little did I know he would take me on an adventure of a life time-literally and continually make me realize what it is to be loved and to want to visualize a life with him and the possibilities that arise just knowing he'll be in it. 

5 years ago- little did I know that I would find so many passions and creative outlets that would inevitably lead me to finding what I love to do-even if takes time to get there-and a lot of work and sacrifice. That is what makes it so sweet, right? The road to where I want to be - makes it so much more exciting- 

Little did I know - I would be the person I am today. 

and its' funny, because I like this person and I'm pretty sure the girl who listened to her heart just a 'little too much' likes this person too. 

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. I just know that I sat down tonight, thinking..."how do I get rid of this writer's block?" and then the words started flowing...maybe a stream of consciousness, maybe I'm just appreciating the road I've taken to meet today. 

I think we all need to take a moment every now and then to appreciate who we are, where we have been, and where we want to go. 

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