Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Happy Halloween and bye bye October.

October was full of pumpkins, hayrides, roasting marshmallows, lots of cupcakes, sleepovers with my favorite kids, too much "attempting" to home decorate, organizing, working : (, and enjoying the brisk weather. Can't believe it is over!

First day of November is tomorrow, which means: 

Thanksgiving. 55 days until Christmas. Coats, hats, and gloves. My favorite, hot chocolate. Pretty lights on all of the houses. Peppermint everything.  Pinecones.  Christmas cards.  Ornaments.  Our anniversary.  My birthday. David's birthday. (and everyone else in my family). 
So many things to look forward to. I love this season : ) 

Happy Halloween and here's to a great November. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy and the best little fort ever.

Sandy made her mark over the past couple days. Fortunately she didn't leave too much of a sting over here but my thoughts go out to those whom she did affect a little heavier than others. With no work yesterday, David and I basically hoarded as much food as we could, as much television as we could, and enough candy to feed an entire neighborhood of trick or treaters (I had to buy more today from the store). 

My hurricane must-haves yesterday: 

massive amounts of netflix 
pretzel m&ms
Footloose (I can't stop watching it, I know we can laugh together about this)
every form of social networking 
this site right here
this awesome new Home DIY blog I happened to stumble upon
Taylors new cd

and a bunch of other things.
OH and we made a pretty awesome fort to keep us safe last night.
Romeo and I loved it...David not so much : )

Have a happy week : )

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday dad : )

I want to wish the happiest of birthdays to the funniest and best man I know; my dad. 
The only guy that leaves me voicemails of full country songs bright and early in the morning. 
The man who sings 'happy birthday' song to me as I'm driving to work in the morning. 
He brings me full boxes of vegetables, fruits, and keeps us hydrated with cases upon cases of water and gatorade, each week. I will never go hungry because of this man, will never stop laughing either.
Happy Birthday to my dad, someone I can always count on to belt out country songs with me bright early in the morning, but most of all, look up to and count on : ) 
xoxo, love you baba.

life lately.

I've been slacking but I have been taking some photos at least. 
Sometimes life just gets too busy. 
I've been guilty of it sweeping me up lately. Yikes.
So, here goes with my photo dump. 


random things.

I absolutely love this Google Chrome commercial. I think it is the sweetest.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy birthday bestie.

Thirteen years ago, I sat in my sixth grade math class, in the very front row. Sitting there, I listened to the teacher go over classroom rules; introducing us to this new environment...middle school. With one hand over my right knee, I tried to cover the incredibly large scar that was leftovers from a recipe for disaster at the park a few days before. I guess I wasn't trying hard enough to cover it, if I wore a skirt to school. 
"What happened to your leg?" That was one of the first thing she said/asked me. I shot her a look of disapproval and then begrudgingly I told her my less-than exciting story. We slowly became friends after that and by slowly I mean after a few mishaps here and there, some silent treatment, and birthday party, and a few make overs, best friends was more like it. 
For the last 13 years, she has been more like a sister than anything else. Boyfriends have come and gone, bad hair cuts have plagued us (even when we gave them to each other)....I'm still sorry for the awful bangs I gave you, Kel, tears have been cried on each other's shoulders, we have run away to each other's homes, and definitely have shared one too many outfits (that we have never returned). 
We spent every summer being young and crazy, pulled all nighters, did each other's homework (I could write and she could crunch numbers in her head; we were a match made in heaven), have shared our families, and most of all our lives. The words best friend and sister are personified through her. 
We have taken trips to the Jersey shore every summer, beaches in Florida, Disney, and most of all, an unforgettable month in Dubai; one we will never forget and always wish to go visit again. Who wouldn't want a month full of jaw-dropping sights, safaris in the desert, dressing up every night to dance it away, and photos to last us a life time. 
If there was anyone who knows me better than myself it's her. 
And if there's anyone who I can yell at and then laugh with a mere 30 seconds later, it's her.
Happy Birthday to my best friend and here's to many many more : ) 
Love ya.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday Awesome-ness.

Dear Thursday, we aren't really celebrating you. Thursdays are the worst. You are so close to Friday, so close to payday, so close to fun... but not 'quite' there yet. It is such a tease. I really dislike Thursdays in the working world. In the college world Thursdays meant the weekend 'was' here, that we would be going out that night and finding what ever mischief we could. Now Thursdays just make me want to go back to sleep until Friday at 5pm.

Despite my obvious hatred for Thursdays, I've decided that complete negativity isn't the best path to take. There is definitely some positives to Thursdays, as well as any days. So Thursday, even though you suck, let's hear some of your awesome-ness. I lied, we are kinda...celebrating that it's Thursday and...all of the good things that happened today.

1. I got a great share of work done today (you know, for it being Thursday). 
2. 40% off of everything sales at one of my favorite stores. How can you beat that on this Thursday?
3. Glee. Need I say more?
4. That I had two cupcakes boxed and ready in my fridge to eat for dessert tonight? (Thanks Adri!)
5. Romeo and I hiding under the covers in the bed (from the vacuum). 
6. Coming home to a box full of fruit from none other than my sweet dad. Love that man. 
7. The yellow wedges I have been pining over finally went on sale.

Thursday wasn't so bad. Still can't wait for Friday though!
Have a happy Friday : ) 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

happy happy boy day.

happy national boyfriend day to:

someone who rarely wakes up before I do
but always has dinner when I get home, 
laughs at all of my jokes (even when they aren't very funny),
applauds all of my potential american idol auditions (one day), 
supports my dessert first movement (even though he doesn't like it so much), 
falls asleep on the couch when I do (because he knows I'll be grumpy if he wakes me up), 
takes the dog out in the morning, so I can get ready for work, 
loves my family just as much as I do, 
takes walks with me,
someone who loves me too much. 

happy, happy. 
(for the sake of being a mushy gushy tonight, only this once)


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

instagram dump, fall edition.

I have a boat load of photos for ya'll. The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of unpacking, decorating, working, and enjoying the change of the weather. So here is a snippet of what I've been up to lately with more to come...once I connect my old iphone and upload some more photos. I'm too attached to my new one : )


Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome October.

I am so freakin' happy October is here and truly suck at this blogging thing lately. 
I have been in work/decorate home/sleep mode for the past month and for that I apologize. 
I've been trying to figure out how I want to decorate our place while finding space for all of my belongings. Who knew this could take so long!

Anyway, my spirits are high now that Fall is officially here. 
I'm seeing pumpkins everywhere!
Put my Halloween decorations up (yes that includes spiderwebs which David totally hates). 
Went on a hayride last weekend. Bought beautiful mums to hang outside. 
And it's official, I have started planning my Halloween costume. I can't give any details though. 

I love Halloween, maybe more than I love Christmas and my birthday (my other two favorite holidays). 
When I was a younger version of me, I had this huge obsession with dressing up. 
I had an enormous trunk filled with my mom's old dresses, my aunt's old prom dresses, and anything else that they didn't want and I thought was beautiful. It all ended up in there and I proudly wore it all, walking around my house, pretending I was a celebrity, or a big time fashion designer. I was who ever I chose to be and I wore a pretty dress while doing so.
Dressing up was one of my favorite things to do, which is why I think it's only natural that Halloween is my favorite holiday. 
I love, love, love dressing up. 

I've made an October to-do list: 

1. Go on more Hayrides
2. Carve pumpkins
3. Drink hot chocolate 
4. Visit a haunted house
5. Roast Marshmallows
6. Eat Candy Corn
7. Go to a Halloween Party
8. Dress up
9. Dress up Romeo 
10. Make pumpkin spice cupcakes
11. Make a photo tour of our new little place
12. Watch Halloween Movies 
13. Start and finish the DIY projects I've been meaning to do 
14. Paint my kitchen
15. Go on a mini road trip with my loves.
16. Eat a caramel apple 
17. Make David dress up!

What do you want to do this October? 
Here's to a great October and a happy fall : )

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