Wednesday, October 3, 2012

happy happy boy day.

happy national boyfriend day to:

someone who rarely wakes up before I do
but always has dinner when I get home, 
laughs at all of my jokes (even when they aren't very funny),
applauds all of my potential american idol auditions (one day), 
supports my dessert first movement (even though he doesn't like it so much), 
falls asleep on the couch when I do (because he knows I'll be grumpy if he wakes me up), 
takes the dog out in the morning, so I can get ready for work, 
loves my family just as much as I do, 
takes walks with me,
someone who loves me too much. 

happy, happy. 
(for the sake of being a mushy gushy tonight, only this once)


1 comment :

  1. This is the cutest, will he ever read it. I read my blog to mark sometimes hahahha


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