Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy birthday bestie.

Thirteen years ago, I sat in my sixth grade math class, in the very front row. Sitting there, I listened to the teacher go over classroom rules; introducing us to this new environment...middle school. With one hand over my right knee, I tried to cover the incredibly large scar that was leftovers from a recipe for disaster at the park a few days before. I guess I wasn't trying hard enough to cover it, if I wore a skirt to school. 
"What happened to your leg?" That was one of the first thing she said/asked me. I shot her a look of disapproval and then begrudgingly I told her my less-than exciting story. We slowly became friends after that and by slowly I mean after a few mishaps here and there, some silent treatment, and birthday party, and a few make overs, best friends was more like it. 
For the last 13 years, she has been more like a sister than anything else. Boyfriends have come and gone, bad hair cuts have plagued us (even when we gave them to each other)....I'm still sorry for the awful bangs I gave you, Kel, tears have been cried on each other's shoulders, we have run away to each other's homes, and definitely have shared one too many outfits (that we have never returned). 
We spent every summer being young and crazy, pulled all nighters, did each other's homework (I could write and she could crunch numbers in her head; we were a match made in heaven), have shared our families, and most of all our lives. The words best friend and sister are personified through her. 
We have taken trips to the Jersey shore every summer, beaches in Florida, Disney, and most of all, an unforgettable month in Dubai; one we will never forget and always wish to go visit again. Who wouldn't want a month full of jaw-dropping sights, safaris in the desert, dressing up every night to dance it away, and photos to last us a life time. 
If there was anyone who knows me better than myself it's her. 
And if there's anyone who I can yell at and then laugh with a mere 30 seconds later, it's her.
Happy Birthday to my best friend and here's to many many more : ) 
Love ya.

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