Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I sat in the car today and had a lengthy discussion in my head regarding weight, body image, diet, exercise, and basically went down the list of things I needed to change to myself and to my lifestyle. I didn't once stop to appreciate what I did have/who I was/what I was doing right.

My legs, my arms, my stomach. What I ate for breakfast vs. what I should have eaten for breakfast. What workouts I have completed. What workouts I need to do in order to get the arms I want. What foods I need to eliminate. How terrible I feel for eating what I did.

It's never-ending for us women and many men too-body image and how we can change the way we look to the way we think we "should" look...and maybe just maybe then we will be happy with ourselves (but we never seem to be). It's exhausting. We see our reflection each and every day, pausing to stare at the face in the mirror; noticing every line, freckle, mark. At times...we fail to actually appreciate our attributes, what makes us who we are....the color of our eyes, our lengthy eyelashes, our smile....etc.

I saw this awhile ago while I was cruising the internet and thought it was pretty relevant and an unbelievably real and pretty awesome message for all of us who choose to concentrate on the things we "need" to change, rather than the beauty that each one of us matter what society deems as "perfect", "normal", and "beautiful". It is all perception and yours is the most important but sometimes someone else sheds a little light on what is really important and you see yourself in a totally different way.

I need to be better at this as well but this movement is slowly but surely taking it's rise and I hope it keeps going because we really need it....


Boots - Ariat

David asked me the other night if I wanted to take country dance lessons.

It was an extremely rare moment of shock for me. I had to blink a few times until he said "Did you hear me? What's wrong with you?" He went on to explain that he really wants to learn country dance and start taking advantage of being here. The images of David two-steppin' and line dancing literally brought tears to my eyes...I was laughing so hard.

 David who I can barely get to go for a walk with Romeo and I, who would change the country radio station when we started dating...claiming country music was "horrible". He now plays country music at all times. I had to start driving separately in my car, to work because I can't take him belting any more Luke Bryan at 7:30 in the morning! Just kidding...sort of....but I wish you could all see his latest Pandora stations. 

He is now a cowboy boot wearing, country listening, southern living man (yes, the flannel, belt, and all...I can't take it!) and I stand and watch in amazement at how he has completely embraced this new place and home. I never imagined marrying a wannabe cowboy...but it's happening.

I have tried to join him in this full immersion and bought my first official pair of cowgirl boots too. I may live in them (they are so comfortable)! I had to get some boot bling as well (see above)...I practically dove in.

Despite my homesick days; I try following in David's footsteps and am doing my best to fully embrace this new place! We don't really know where life will take us next but I might as well put my boots on and learn a dance or two!

(I will have video of this for proof and sheer enjoyment. It's rare David busts a move-country or not.)
Stay tuned.

Have an awesome week : )

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Welcome to Texas : )

We finally settled a bit from moving and I've found the time/energy to sit down and write a bit! Before I start posting photos and break out into detail of our first couple weeks here, I'd like to tell everyone that getting married, buying a new car days prior to moving cross-country to start new jobs, driving to this new empty home, completely littered with boxes that in reality contain your lives and then having to attempt to fill one of the most tiring, annoying, yet exciting experiences we have encountered.

And a bit homesick for our very much missed hometown. 

We made the 2.5 day drive down here on the first of January with all of our belongings in a big ole moving truck that David had the pleasure of driving with my brother, Pete. I drove down with Romeo lounging in the back seat and one of my best friends/more like a brother, Anthony as my driving partner in our car. We were so anxious to get down here, that the ride was not as fun as we had hoped and a little more exhausting than we had anticipated...but well worth it. 

When we arrived, we were greeted with 70 degree sunny weather--perfect for unloading boxes and watching Romeo sniff around the backyard--he's never had one all to himself before! The house, the city-EVERYTHING-is new and absolutely awesome, just taking a little time to adapt and to make this house---a home : )

We've had so many visitors already, which really makes us happy and not so homesick (okay, we still are homesick....we haven't found a good sandwich here yet!). 

We are in the midst of unpacking, decorating, deciding what furniture to fill this place with, and exploring! San Antonio is a really great city--sometimes David and I look at each other and say "Is this the US? I can't believe how different it is from home!" It is another world we are so slowly starting to explore and enjoy. 

If anything, the weather has stolen our hearts besides it's bipolar tendencies-- we've had some 76 degree weather and then it will instantly drop to the 30s the following day. My allergies have taken a bit of a hit lately. This weather has caused a couple doctor trips and some antibiotics. Yikes-- nothing like a big ole welcome to Texas! 

Anyway- we are embracing this journey one day at a time! 

Here are some photos from our first couple weeks : ) 

<<The palm trees greeted us our first night. I was too happy for words!>>

<<Romeo decided he liked the new place.>>

<<We had our first Whataburger of many I'm sure>>

<<Pete and Anthony stayed for a few days and made a delicious dinner every night!>>

<<Their last day here...we had pizza at Grimaldi's..yum!>>

<<My bestie and my mom came for the weekend!>>

<<David found his inner cowboy...he's adapting very nicely here>>

<<My little cousin Niya who lives here as well...posing!>>

<<Alek taking selfies>>

<<Working in the city ...means more places to of our lunch walks>>

<<slowly turning this house into a home : ) >>

Goodnight : ) 

Perspective Perfection


Sometimes I find this blogging world so comforting and open. I have the opportunity to peer into other people's lives, thoughts, cultures, etc. all while sipping a cup of tea, sitting on my couch. I can read about people's days, their ideas, and opinions. In turn I can share my own stories to this world. I can share my opinions, thoughts, and stories. What also comes with this freedom of taking a peak into someone else's daily life is the unavoidable comparison to your own.

I think that  we fail to see or realize that our blogs are just a snapshot of our day-to-day lives. We capture moments we deem unforgettable or significant in that moment in time, then write about them Most of the time....these moments are happy and bright--an awesome day spent with friends, a holiday with family, a snow day, a sunny day at the beach, or a new outfit. At times we share our darker moments as well-- we all are human, right?

I think it's important to remember that our blogs share our happiness, our adventures, our unforgettable moments to the world but they don't always share our bad days...the days that don't make us so "perfect". The blogs don't always share that we are exhausted from work, our house isn't clean because we didn't have the energy to clean it, or that we didn't feel like doing the dishes and they are starting to pile up. Our blogs at times don't share the we argued with our significant other before bed, or that we forgot someone's birthday, or that we are having an off-day and just want to cry...

What ever it may be, it's always refreshing and soothing to realize that no one's life is absolutely perfect, even if their blog seems to be. We all are human, we all have bad days, we all experience joys...and some days we just want to let the laundry pile up and eat a cheeseburger and a milk shake for dinner without feeling like a failure.

So, today I told myself it's okay if my life isn't ALWAYS awesome and it's okay to share my exciting and happy moments but it's also okay to sometimes just blog about our off-days...because we all have them. We all are a human and perfection is only what you make it to be.

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