Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I sat in the car today and had a lengthy discussion in my head regarding weight, body image, diet, exercise, and basically went down the list of things I needed to change to myself and to my lifestyle. I didn't once stop to appreciate what I did have/who I was/what I was doing right.

My legs, my arms, my stomach. What I ate for breakfast vs. what I should have eaten for breakfast. What workouts I have completed. What workouts I need to do in order to get the arms I want. What foods I need to eliminate. How terrible I feel for eating what I did.

It's never-ending for us women and many men too-body image and how we can change the way we look to the way we think we "should" look...and maybe just maybe then we will be happy with ourselves (but we never seem to be). It's exhausting. We see our reflection each and every day, pausing to stare at the face in the mirror; noticing every line, freckle, mark. At times...we fail to actually appreciate our attributes, what makes us who we are....the color of our eyes, our lengthy eyelashes, our smile....etc.

I saw this awhile ago while I was cruising the internet and thought it was pretty relevant and an unbelievably real and pretty awesome message for all of us who choose to concentrate on the things we "need" to change, rather than the beauty that each one of us matter what society deems as "perfect", "normal", and "beautiful". It is all perception and yours is the most important but sometimes someone else sheds a little light on what is really important and you see yourself in a totally different way.

I need to be better at this as well but this movement is slowly but surely taking it's rise and I hope it keeps going because we really need it....

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