Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Perspective Perfection


Sometimes I find this blogging world so comforting and open. I have the opportunity to peer into other people's lives, thoughts, cultures, etc. all while sipping a cup of tea, sitting on my couch. I can read about people's days, their ideas, and opinions. In turn I can share my own stories to this world. I can share my opinions, thoughts, and stories. What also comes with this freedom of taking a peak into someone else's daily life is the unavoidable comparison to your own.

I think that  we fail to see or realize that our blogs are just a snapshot of our day-to-day lives. We capture moments we deem unforgettable or significant in that moment in time, then write about them Most of the time....these moments are happy and bright--an awesome day spent with friends, a holiday with family, a snow day, a sunny day at the beach, or a new outfit. At times we share our darker moments as well-- we all are human, right?

I think it's important to remember that our blogs share our happiness, our adventures, our unforgettable moments to the world but they don't always share our bad days...the days that don't make us so "perfect". The blogs don't always share that we are exhausted from work, our house isn't clean because we didn't have the energy to clean it, or that we didn't feel like doing the dishes and they are starting to pile up. Our blogs at times don't share the we argued with our significant other before bed, or that we forgot someone's birthday, or that we are having an off-day and just want to cry...

What ever it may be, it's always refreshing and soothing to realize that no one's life is absolutely perfect, even if their blog seems to be. We all are human, we all have bad days, we all experience joys...and some days we just want to let the laundry pile up and eat a cheeseburger and a milk shake for dinner without feeling like a failure.

So, today I told myself it's okay if my life isn't ALWAYS awesome and it's okay to share my exciting and happy moments but it's also okay to sometimes just blog about our off-days...because we all have them. We all are a human and perfection is only what you make it to be.

1 comment :

  1. I stopped blogging for a while in December because I was just comparing myself or found myself having too much negative energy to share, which isn't appealing clearly. One day at a time man. After all we aren't perfect :) Good luck on this new journey in Texas btw!


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