Thursday, March 15, 2012

10 things.

thursdays are my least favorite days. i think i like wednesdays better than thursdays. i can't really explain why. maybe because it's sooo close to the end of the week but it's not where as wednesday is smack dab in the middle, it's not trying to take sides. who knows. i just don't really like thursdays but this one wasn't so bad.

1. i changed outfits 3 times today. ask me why. it's not really exciting. i was substituting this morning for a half day so of course i wore my most substitute-y outfit as usual. i wish i took photos to break down my outfit choices for the day. after work, i changed into my running errands and tutoring clothes which really is a mixture of leggings, tank top, and a cardigan. now i have changed again. i know, bear with me. it's nothing special as you can see but i just wanted an excuse to wear my new wedges. what do ya think?
2. i had a classroom full of boys today...fifth grade boys. can you just imagine what that class was like? yeah, i wouldn't want to either but luckily i survived. i think i came out of that classroom with more of an attitude than them. successful in my book. 
3. i tried annie's organic burritos today after my girlfrannnd recommended them to me. yum! if you're vegetarian and you love veggies, i totally recommend the black bean and veggie burrito. it was so delicious. now i have to stock up on those for quick lunches or dinners. 
4. i perfected the model runway walk. see...

5. i had an acute breakdown today. how many times do i have to tell you all that i'm emotional, hehe yep, i had a cry today because i got down on myself and i wish i never did that but like the human in me, i did. but it was a quick full-out cry followed by the cure....chocolate milk and a cupcake, yep. and then i thought of this...and it couldn't be more true for me at this very moment....

6. i'm working on a red velvet cupcake recipe this weekend. i will perfect this. you will like it. yep! and i'm not stopping until it's delicious.
7. i love my shoes i just bought but i didn't realize how tall i felt in them. they are so cute and pretty though aren't they oh and only 30 bucks at Target, yep! ah, summertime

8. i can't wait for glee and gossip girl to come back on!
9. this weekend i plan to full out bake, spend lotsaaa time with my cousin who will be visiting! and go to church on sunday. what are you doing?
10. and finally, my last more of a always find my way back to my dreams, ambitions, and to never let anything deter me...right? shouldn't we always be like that? oh yeah, and i vow to eat less cupcakes (most* of the time)! 

happy thursday. love you all.



  1. What do you mean you dont like Thursdays?! This is one thing college kids got right. Thirsty Thursdays. You just need to make yourself some tasty cocktails. Maybe cupcake flavored ones...

    1. haha! i guess i need to start doing that bran. maybe i'm starting to get old...hahah


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