Thursday, March 22, 2012

day with petey.

hi my name is pete. i love baseball, basketball, playing outside, and...cupcakes. i didn't have school today and had the whole day to spend with vickie. it was awesome!

petey and i spent the entire day together. he didn't have school and i didn't have work. it was a perfect set-up for a perfect day. we played outside in the almost 80 degree weather in march, whaaaa? (i know!). we had our own dance party in the kitchen, went to lunch with anthony, baked cupcakes, drew some super awesome pictures, played a huge game of kickball, and then decided vickie is the best cousin ever, duh. 

i'll let petey tell ya the rest :)

we practiced our golfing skills in the not so green grass in the backyard. 

we went to lunch with anthony aka uncle petunia and stocked up on some phillies gear. awesome hats but i hate smiling in photos ; )

we drew the rainbow fish. have you ever read the story? the rainbow fish gives all of his silver scales away to his new friends, except for one. aren't they cute?

we made huge huge cupcakes!

they were so so so good. can you tell?

then we practiced our dance moves in the kitchen. here's my pose for the camera :)

hope your day was as awesome as ours!


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