Wednesday, August 29, 2012

why i love fall fashion.

I love the fall. I am on over-kill with my expressed love for this season, I know. Honestly, I think I love it because there is a certain acceptance and agreement that comfy can be chic in the fall. The right jeans, with the right pants, pair of boots, and a oversized scarf is equally comfortable yet chic. Spring and summer are not as easy to create a fashion statement and wear your comfiest clothes.
So, I can't wait for the chill in the air to get here, so I can wear my boots and scarves, be warm and comfy, and make somewhat of a fashion statement. 
Here are some of my favorite pins for fall fashion as of late:

Oh Calvin Klein. I have an entirely newfound appreciation for the term simple after seeing this dress.

Trench coat! Need, I say more?

Aviators, oversized scarf, distressed jeans, and your good ole chucks. May be my most favorite go-to outfit, ever.

Heels can completely transform an outfit, like this one.

and last but definitely not least...I love this outfit and have to say, this is me almost every Sunday in the fall. It's comfy yet stylish.

Come on Fall....


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