Monday, April 30, 2012

playlist for a monday night.

i'm having a case of the monday nights. oh, you don't know what they are? let me help you understand. sitting on the couch, kind of bored, kind of too lazy to do anything, watching a tv show, just feeling a bit blahdiddyda. that's the monday nights. luckily, i have a super fab monday night tv show playlist (i am really popular guys and lead a super exciting life, truly). ha

today consisted of running some errands, updating, and hoping. oh yes, and two cups of coffee, some froyo, and lots of blog reading. oh and i made this mini-playlist. some songs are old, some are new but i love em all.

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what are some of your favorite songs?

have a happy monday night : )


  1. I tend to have a case of the wednesday nights. bahahha this was hilarious!

  2. such a lovely blog dear^^
    would you like to follow each other? check out my blog if you like!

    1. thanks a bunch for reading! i'd love to check your blog out!

  3. great playlist :)
    your blog is awesome!

  4. thank you so much for reading and commenting!


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