Monday, August 5, 2013

42 things about us.

42 things about us, well because, I thought it'd be fun. 

1. We both love breakfast food- pancakes, eggs, all of it. 
2. He could spend all day lounging around with Romeo (our dog).
3. She never can sit still...ever.
4. They both love watching the show Newsroom every Sunday, 
until she falls asleep, and they watch it Monday night too : )
5. He's a night owl. 
6. She's a SUPER early morning person, and so is Romeo. 
7. She's always cold.
8. He's always hot. 
9. They love Scrabble. No one ever wins - it's always a tie : )
10. He loves golfing - and she's learning. 
12. She likes to sing really loud and makes him listen. 
13. He watches Vampire shows - and she is afraid of them. 
14. He loves when she bakes her homemade cinnamon buns. 
15. They both could eat cereal for dinner every night, if she let them. 
16. Her favorite color is yellow. 
17. He loves the color blue. 
18. They like to walk Romeo every night. 
19. When they first started dating - they'd go to the bookstore for hours. 
20. He cooks like a whiz. 
21. She bakes cookies and vanilla cupcakes for him. 
22. He brings her tea in bed. 
23. He loves to vacuum. 
24. She does the laundry. 
25. They sometimes laugh about nothing at all - or her, because she tripped over the table, over Romeo, or over her own feet. 
26. They can never agree on their future babies' names. 
27. She noticed his smile before he even noticed her-but she'll never tell him that. 
28. He's quiet. 
29. She's loud. 
30. They share a big big love for Romeo. 
31. He took her to see a scary movie on their first date - and she didn't have the heart to tell him that she hates scary movies. 
32. Sometimes they disagree on everything and sometimes they just like to challenge each other. 
33. She's a planner. 
34. He goes along with her plans. 
35. He gives the best hugs. 
36. He asked her to be his wife in the simplest yet most perfect way. 
37. She makes him try all of her 'healthy' food, as he calls it. 
38. He rarely likes her 'healthy' food. 
39. He would rather eat Burger King. 
40. They both love Dunkin Donuts. 
41. They both want to see so many places and always travel. 
42. They both love their dog - David wanted that to be on here twice - to emphasize ; )

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