Tuesday, June 5, 2012

ripped in 30 challenge: day one

jillian michaels has always been good to me. her workout videos have always been tolerable, somewhat fun, and have given me super awesome results. i always did one of her workouts on demand (tv) and then would go for a run/walk and did yoga pretty regularly. when on demand stopped featuring their exercise tv function, i was severely depressed...really, not kidding. i will admit at the sake of being called extremely ridiculous, that i did blame ondemand for gaining weight, because i didn't have my weight-loss guru-mentor (even if she can't see me) to guide me and kick my butt. 
now, i would have to go buy jillian michaels dvds (yuck, but anything to have her back in my not-so-trim lifestyle). so i thought maybe i should try different types of workouts and i did. i took up running consistently...got bored. i tried circuit workouts from the internet...got bored. so now.... i caved and bought my favorite jillian michaels videos and am starting all over again with my love affair. 

i'm starting with this baby...

has anyone tried it? i'm hoping it kicks my butt because well, it really needs to be kicked. ever since i have been experimenting with different cupcake flavors, attempting new frosting tricks...my thighs have been experimenting with new shapes and sizes as well.

as for healthy eating, i am a pretty healthy eater for the most part but lately with trips and busy schedules of fun (yikes), my healthy eating patterns have completely disappeared. so today is a brand new day. starting this workout regimen and bringing back healthy eating into my life. i forgot how much better it makes me feel. i'm going to try to post some of my favorite healthy recipes as i go on as well, which may come sparingly because when i do attempt a new recipe and am successful, i usually gloat about it for two weeks because i can't quite believe it myself...before i start a new one. 

i decided to post about it today because i was wondering what some of your favorite workouts and healthy eating tips were? please share them.

so here we go! day one! wish me luck because i guarantee you i will not be able to walk by day 4.

1 comment :

  1. 17 day diet gave me great results! It was just so hard to get pass cycle one. Good luck with this!


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