Sunday, June 10, 2012


dear sisqo-the-racoon, you are the cutest. i am so glad olga won you while playing whack-a-mole on the boardwalk. you may be the cutest stuffed animal ever, but i am ashamed to say, that the thought of your origin and dusty boardwalk game housing has crossed my mind numerous times partnered with a silent..."yuck".

dear not-so-discreet girl that was puking in the mcdonald's bathroom at midnight in some who-knows-what-it's-called town in new jersey on our drive home from atlantic city, yolo? i guess but you could have been a bit more quiet. you almost made me enter vomcity. yikes.

dear face, i love you so much. you have been so good to me but you are having a pimple party this week and it is so not welcome or appreciated. these parties were cool like .... 7 years ago. so not cool now. tell them to leave. party's over.

dear disney world, for some reason i really miss you and want to visit you again. on a bad day, i could just walk through magic kingdom, find minnie mouse's house and just sit in there, pretending like we are best friends. who doesn't want to be best friend's with minnie mouse? .....anyone? first girl (mouse) that could ever pull off polka dots. you go girl.

dear summer sun, you have been blazing the last couple days and i am looovin' it.

dear new job, i promise i will do my best and hopefully we set off on the right foot and love each other. that's what i need right now. new beginnings, cheers to them : )

dear anyone who reads this blog, even though i say too much or embarrass myself or have nothing really interesting to say, i get really giddy every time i see someone comment and actually enjoy what i'm writing about. so basically, you make my day and i'm really glad that this blog isn't just a fun place for me but for others too : )

and thank you to the various blogs that gave me this awesome letter writing idea. it's entirely too much fun and i could keep writing more and more but i need to go to bed.

hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend so far, xoxo


  1. I love this letter writing style amiga : )

  2. Aw, I can't believe you won that bear! haha I thought they always rigged that so you could never win something that big. I hope you get to go to Disneyland soon!!

  3. if you go back to disney PLEASE take me!! I LOVE disney. I could go every day. And girl, our faces must be partying together....seriously, this is not cool!

    love your little wharehouse racoon ;)


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