Saturday, June 2, 2012

cleaning out the garage and some photos : )

happy weekend! 

it's saturday morning and we're cleaning out the garage. i went from happy to overwhelmed to frustrated...and now i need a shopping outing. 
but before i head out to spend some moolah...i found these funny old photos from when i was a kid...oh the memories.

this photo is my mom holding me as a baby. we were in greece, visiting my grandparents (my dad's parents). look at momma's hair! haha i love it!

little ole me.

me and my godson niko in florida when i was 17. yikes, time flies.

and last but totally not least. me and my best friend, kelli. 17 years old. and these poses totally represent our friendship. oh dear. who was i trying to seduce? hahaha

there is so much more that i am sorting through later on. 
i'll have to share some throughout the week, some throwbacks for ya'll! 
as for now, i am going to go shopping.
dancing and fun tonight for one of my girlfriend's birthdays and then sunday and monday will be spent at the beach with my love. woo, i am so excited : )

how's your weekend going? 
hope it's fabulous!


  1. your gorgeous and have such a lovely smile

  2. aw, love looking at old pictures, going down memory lane! i can't believe you've been to greece! i bet it is beautiful!
    xo TJ

    1. my family is from Greece. I went a lot as a kid. It was incredible! thank you so much for reading : )

  3. Replies
    1. it's one of my favs! thanks for reading : )

  4. Lovely old photos. I love finding old photos. It's so amazing to see how much has changed and time truly flies.

    1. yes, you can say that again. i was thinking the same thing as I was looking through them! thanks for reading : )


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