Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter and things.

While we missed being home this past weekend to spend Easter with the rest of our family, we did have some fun enjoying the nice weather and spending time with family here : ) I've been lousy at keeping up with the blog lately. Lots of big things have been going on in our world the past 6 months or so, and sometimes you get immersed in "living" (which isn't so bad!) that it's difficult to find time to sit down and write (I need to be better at that!).

I did take some photos this weekend - so I will share those with you all!

There's an awesome vintage candy shop that just opened near us and my BFF Kelli and I went there this weekend while David decided to do more yard work. We got lost in the candy shop with all of the exotic gummy bear flavors and truffles. Note: do not go into the cutest candy shop when you are starving....

The truffles. Amazing.

We decided to just keep going that day and tried burgers at BurgerFi. Reminded me of Shake Shack burgers but all organic : ) Super yummy.

We spent Easter Sunday with my aunt, uncle, and cousins at their home. Isn't this kid's table set-up absolutely adorable? : ) 

and..the adult's table : ) 

Romeo being...Romeo. After this photo was taken he decided he wanted to take the sheets and quilt off of the bed...just because. We love him...most days ; )

Hope your Easter holiday was filled with happy : ) 

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