Thursday, March 21, 2013

spring things.

The beginning of a new season always makes me so abnormally excited. I can't really explain it but it is almost a 'fresh' feeling, where new things are ahead, clothes. 
Spring for me, means longer days, sunlight on my drive home, green everywhere, flowers starting to bloom, and the warmth starting to set in before the heat overpowers.
There are certain 'spring things' that will always remind me of this season.
They will never get tired and I don't think I will really ever grow out of them. 

1. I remember the carnival coming right around the same time that lacrosse season started. We'd all go home after practice, take showers (most of the time), get dressed, and head to the carnival. Funnel cake and my personal favorite ..... caramel apples, and the rides. Even though it was a school night, we'd stay late enough to eat as much as we could and barely make it off of the gravitron without getting sick.

2. Running at night. I vividly remember dragging my little brother with me to jog around our neighborhood in the spring nights. I'd keep going and going, while ignoring my brother's complaints as to why I would make him run for so long. RUnning was my escape and unfortunately he was taking the ride with me.

3. Sweatshirts. Spring nights were always the best. There was still a slight chill to the air and you could throw on one of your most worn sweatshirts to go driving around with your friends. We'd all look like an army of sweatshirt wearing, sometimes obnoxiously loud, ice-cream eating teenagers. Oh yes, sweatshirts with your name perfectly stitched on the back. Everyone had them and if you didn't, you most likely joined a team just to get one, even if you couldn't make that mile run to save your life.

4. Ritas. Dairy Queen. You name it. We ate it. We'd sit outside at the tables with our blizzards and gelatos at least once a week. You wouldn't go without your free Rita's on the first day of matter how long the line.

5. Phillies Games. Baseball games. Hot dogs. What more can I say?

6. Daffodils. When they start growing, spring is here. I would snatch the daffodils that would grow outside of our house as a kid. My grandmother, good ole yiayia would chase us around the house after she would find out we picked the flowers. I just wanted them to decorate my pretend house. Now I want them in my real house : )

There are some more but these are my 'spring things' for tonight. 
Oh and long walks with Romeo are becoming my new 'spring thing'. 
Two spring posts in a row. I know, I know. 

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