Thursday, May 19, 2016

Awkward & Awesome Thursdays

I'm going to revive this old post idea from one of my favorite blogs (here) because it's Thursday and because I feel like complaining and then redeeming myself a little by appreciating the good things at the end of the day. Also, I just really love this photo of us above.


- My allergies are non-existent in Texas and I pretty much never really get sick which is AWESOME but I come to Pennsylvania and I now feel like I'm dying with sinus congestion and a head that feels like it weights a 1000 pounds. So awkward.

- How long I can spend on Amazon reading customer reviews. I'm pretty sure any other person would think I'm absolutely insane if they saw me reading sippy cup reviews, just so I can find the right one. I don't even think I can use the phrase "it's a mom thing" for this one. It's just awkward.

- Living in leggings for the last 5 months. I don't think I need to say much more about that one. I don't remember the last time I wore jeans.

- The fact that I have to hang my clothing backwards in my new closet because they have this weird shelf that doesn't allow for me to just simply hang my clothing like a normal person. My inner OCD monster is coming out slowly, as I hang each shirt  backwards.


- The sun peeked out for a whole two hours today. I think I have only seen it once before since we've moved here. I was beginning to think it didn't exist here or that we moved to Seattle. Now I'm waiting for the summer weather because I really want to take my girl to the beach before little man comes. I think she needs some sun, sand, boardwalk pizza, and ice cream.

- The peace and quiet that is happening in my home right now and the cup of tea that is sitting next to me.

- Penelope waking up this morning and singing "Happy Birfday ta ya, Happy Birfday ta ya", even though it's not my birthday. It's her new favorite song and it is the sweetest thing to hear.

- That all my clothing is unpacked and in my closet.....and it fits....and I was able to share a closet with David. Who have I become? I'm not quite sure!

1 comment :

  1. Love this post! And the picture is absolutely so adorable : )


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