Friday, April 6, 2012

a little bit of my week in photos.

i really don't realize how many photos i take during the week until i'm searching through my phone on friday morning to write my photo friday post. yikes. anyway, this week went by pretty quickly. on monday i thought i would never make it through the week with the terrible cold and allergies i had but after two trips to the doc! it started to leave my body and now slowly but surely i am feeling betttter! woo hoo! 

tuesday: i went to finally get my hair done. i don't know if i have told you about my haircut phobia before but i have an extreme fear of getting my hair cut. my hair is a mess; long, big, curly...but i love it. right now it's super long and for some reason i like to keep it that way. maybe it's because of my sudden impulses in the past to hack off all of my hair, which left me with a not-so-cute bob, who knows. anyway, besides the haircut phobia (i got just a slight trim!), i decided to go a little further and make my hair a little bit lighter. i never had dyed or done anything color-wise to my hair until i was 24 (crazy, i know). anyway, i chose to go a little lighter than my super dark brown hair and i have to say i'm liking it. it's really subtle, so maybe i'll go lighter in the coming months. getting a little craaaazy over here! 

tuesday was also one of my best friend/brother's birthday! potts (anthony) is my little brother's best friend but over the years he has become one of my best friends and like a brother to me. him and i spent his birthday together and did what we do! we went to an awesome mexican restaurant for lunch (one of my favorite places) and it was delicious. fajitas, black bean soup, and my fav, guacamole! we rolled out of that restaurant and then went for some dairy queen. hey, it was his birthday!

and of course here are some randoms from my week. outside, reading harry potter with niko (my godson) on wednesday and of course drinking some green tea. yum : )

breakfast for dinner with my main man on wednesday night. dinner is super hard for me. i never know what i want to eat but when it comes to breakfast, i can't complain. i love love love breakfast food; eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal, yogurt. so breakfast for dinner is a common occurrence with me and it was delicious!

shopping day on thursday and iced green tea from panera.

and last but not least, my lola. if there was a ever a snuggly dog, she is the definition. if you are sitting on the couch, she will curl up right next to you or on top of you and pass out. so cute. 

ps: i finished the first season of friday night lights last night. ugh, i love it so much. i almost had an anxiety attack during the state championship game. pathetic, i know. haha

well, i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and easter. i will be celebrating easter this weekend and the following (which is my real easter). lots of family time, kids running around, food, and love.
hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend!


1 comment :

  1. hey woman! =) thanks for your sweet comments on my blog, you are too kind! my allergies have been kicking in as well. ugh. i love your hair! it's gorgeous and so long. i have been trying to grow mine out. it's so hard being a stylist because my scissors are always with me! haha. such a problem. i hope you have a great weekend, love!

    xoxo. heidi


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