Thursday, April 19, 2012

good to grumpy to good this morning.

i'm having one of those mornings where everything began so peacefully and calm. i was totally enjoying every moment that i was having with myself; eating breakfast, getting ready to go outside for a run, and then it all came crashing down (well in my eyes, i thought it did). i chose to be angry for a whole 20 minutes, convincing myself that (this occurrence) ruined my morning and now i would have to sit here and sulk for the remainder of the morning. then it kind of hit me, like a baseball right in the gut (well not as hard and painful, but you get what i mean); why am i allowing this (said occurrence) change my mood and 'ruin' my morning that was seemingly perfect before (said occurrence). 

i think we sometimes (i definitely do) forget that we have complete control over our feelings, emotions, and attitude. i tend to forget this a lot and allow my mind to go completely cuckoo and take over, changing my attitude and ruining the better part of my days, and really, what is that for? i'm not sure, which is why i caught myself today before i let (said occurrence) allow me to sit and sulk for 20 more minutes.

"the remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. we cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. we cannot change the inevitable. the only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. i am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how i react to it. and so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes."

i love this quote (above). it's so true. so true but so difficult sometimes to make it a part of your life and to live by it every day. i know i feel so out of control sometimes, as if i cannot snap out of a bad mood or get out of a lazy day and slowly it can become consistent, to where i can almost completely allow my mood to be altered without a single flinch. what i forget is that i am in complete control and instead of sitting around sulking or dwelling on the events that put you in a bad mood, made you sad/nervous, you can get up and deal with it (putting it simply) and then choose to make yourself happy. 

and honestly to put it simply in vickie terms, no one likes a sorry sally (even if your name isn't sally), you get what i mean? 
isn't life more fun when you're laughing?
the poster says so:

and if all else fails:

or go to target, in my case.

so here is to being alllll the fun today and not letting (said occurrences) ruin our moods, because we're awesome and that's that.

oh and just for good measure: (this will definitely make you laugh because...who doesn't like emma stone?)


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