Wednesday, June 24, 2015


So, I will admit I follow blogs like crazy. I am almost a blog stalker, if you will. There is just something about getting a sneak peek into people's lives that I can't resist. It starts with the blog, then the instagram, and then I feel like I am BFFs with these pretty cool ladies (I've reached creeper status, unapologetically). Anyway, I had written about this awesome lifestyle and everything sweet included blog I follow a few months ago: Sometimes Sweet. Danielle, the author writes a "Currently" post every so often with current thoughts, loves, etc. and I completely love it and had started writing my own when the inspiration struck. Life as usual gets in the way and while I was busy smelling the flowers and playing with an almost on the move little babe, I took a break from this blog but I am back and here to stay muchachas and muchachos if you're reading this: ) So here goes.

Doing:  I've just wrapped up playing with chubby hands (above) and attempting to teach her how to use a sippy cup unsuccessfully. Sippy Cup = really cool toy I can bang on my high chair until I decide to throw it into Romeo's (the dog) bowl and then cry until Mama picks it up so I can do it all over again...sigh. Little mama is now in her bed, snuggled up and sleeping while I finally can sit down with a cup of water (boring), my calendar and my to-do list all ready for me to get into planning mode for the next few busy months! Between trips back home, my brother's wedding, vacations, moving in September, we are one busy family and I feel like I'm on a tilt-a-whirl. I need to - do lists stat.

Reading: I just finished reading Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen (insert fangirling screams) just last week. I'm obsessed with Sarah Dessen's books and have been since I was in high school. There is nothing like an author that can literally speak to your soul. I'm not kidding people. All of her books are the ultimate coming of age, self-realization, cute boy crush trip all the way back to your teenage years when a slurpee at 7-11 with a soft pretzel to go were all you needed to survive the summer. Anyway, I highly recommend any of her books but her latest Saint Anything is perfection. Next on my list to read is this handy dandy user guide to Essential Oils that I just received from Amazon, which brings me to my next topic....

Interesting: Essential Oils! I may sound like an earth-loving hippie right now (more power to you all) and that's okay with me but I have become increasingly interested in essential oils and the health and mental benefits that come along with them. Back to my blog stalking - a few of the blogs I follow swear by essential oils for health and mental purposes. They use them in their homes to battle illnesses, anxiety, cravings, etc. and it really intrigued me. When I'm intrigued, I do a WHOLE lot of research until I make a decision so...I'm reading a book about essential oils right now before I decide to buy some and explain to my husband that we totally need them!

Listening: I've always really liked country music dating back to when my dad would play the country station in the car on family trips and start yelling "yeeeee-haw" with the windows down but Texas has made my love for country music deeper. After one night at John T. Floore's (which I will be talking about in another post) I was sold on the idea of sitting outside on a super hot Texas night and listening to some country songs. My country album of choice this week is Kacey Musgrave's new album Pageant Material and I TOTALLY recommend it.

Watching: David and I live on netflix and Hulu, I hate to admit. Currently, I am loving the show The Fosters and of course The Bachelorette. I don't know why I love drama so much, but The Bachelorette just makes me laugh. The Fosters is a show I got into while I was pregnant and hanging out on my couch a lot! It's on ABC Family and it's a pretty neat show surrounding two women who foster and adopt children and their dynamic with some drama thrown in there.

Loving: My little babe. She makes me laugh every day. It is pretty much my most favorite thing ever to see her learn something new every day. She is currently trying so very hard to crawl while getting to all fours, rocking a bit, and plopping on her belly as I sit there cheering her on each time. I couldn't imagine how absolutely head over heels I would be before this little munchkin entered my life but I am so grateful.

Hope you have an awesome Wednesday!

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