Photo Credit: Pinterest
One of my goals back in February (and yes I forgot to post my March goals but have been following through with them!) was to unplug every now and then and really focus on what's going on around me. David and I are always always on our phones/iPads. I will be the first to admit this because sometimes I have to remind him to look up from it ( I know we are horrible!). Between taking photos and videos of Penelope, posting things on social media or reading what everyone is up to on there, reading articles, and catching up on blogs...I feel as though sometimes so much is happening around me that I forget to soak it in and truly enjoy it.
The weather has been so nice here this week - over 80! I started taking Penelope out in the stroller during the day and sometimes early evening for a walk which she absolutely loves. Watching her look around, stare at me and take everything in that's happening around her, really brings me back to reality sometimes. She's experiencing EVERYTHING for the first time and I have front seat to all of it. As cheesy as this sounds, it's a pretty awesome experience, watching her eyes try to soak everything in while smiling or laughing (sometimes we have no clue why).
I have started to slowly put my iPhone in my purse when we are out or leave it in the bedroom on the weekends and spend my mornings with my girl, hanging out, playing patty-cake or singing Bruno know, what ever she prefers! It is nice having that time to just spend with her, not getting caught up in social media for hours. I remember before I had her, there were Saturday/Sunday mornings where I would lie on the couch and get lost in facebook, instagram, and blogs for hours...not even realizing that I was wasting my day. You know you've done that before too! Don't even try to deny it!
Anyway, I just wanted to share that with ya'll. Maybe try putting the phone down a little this week and enjoy lunch, dinner, a walk outside without taking photos of the sunset or looking to see what color Kim dyed her hair. It's actually quite nice : )
Have a happy week : )
I aim to do this on Sunday's. It truly helps especially with focusing on priorities or savoring moments rather than capturing them :)