Saturday, August 3, 2013

It takes some words to make an action.

"It takes a thought to make a word. It takes some words to make an action. It takes some work to make it work....Life is wonderful."

I made a pretty big decision in the realm of decision making this week. Finding my way to that decision was also a task/journey in itself. I had been contemplating my career for a long time--mostly about what I want to do with my life--and where I see myself in 5, 10, 15 years. When I sat down to think about it, I didn't see myself doing what I am today--nor anything close to it. My heart wasn't in it anymore--if it ever was (which I'm not so sure either). I made things work but at the end of the day before crawling in bed, I always imagined what else I could be doing.

The desire to do something different was completely overwhelming--that I couldn't ignore it's elephant size anymore. I took a leap of faith and spoke with David, my mom, and my best friend (all my voices of reason in their own way), and eventually what was knocking on my door was so evident that I had to open it --speaking figuratively here, so you get the point : ) There were too many of those voices saying, (sometimes yelling)... "Vick, you need to just take a leap." Yep, I did just that.

So dun dun dun---I decided to leave my current "day job", if you will and am following another road that hasn't been traveled yet. Changing things up a bit because at the end of the day , change can be a good thing right?

I am continuing with Cupcakes by Vickie, but I am also going back to school (woo hoo) to follow another dream. So here I go. Wish me luck.

I stopped ignoring that little nagging dissatisfaction in the pit of my stomach and decided to make changes now before I wait 10 years and my desires are a distant memory -- yikes that sounds depressing.  This post is NOT meant to be a depressing post - I promise.

The point is -- I have never felt such excitement and happiness in a long time. For something that was so daunting and scary to think about, actually has me feeling lighter than I have in a long time. So...the future holds some great things--and I can't wait to see what is down this road.

Life is meant to be lived, the way we want to live it. I think sometimes we forget that we control exactly how we want our life to turn out. 

Now I am done on my personal rant--but the point is --- Life is too wonderful to be doing something you aren't happy doing.  

Fear stops us from being wonderful sometimes and everyone deserves to be wonderful. 

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