Monday, August 12, 2013

A Monday for the Books.

Today was the first day waking up - and not having to go to my droning 9-5. Turned the leaf in this book- I woke up instantly feeling lighter and the good ole mood scale went from low-lows - to an all time high today. It was a day of celebration for me; which included: 

- Dunkin donuts for breakfast. I know, I shouldn't have but...I did.

- A pedicure at one of my all-time favorite places, which included an extra long leg massage that almost put me to sleep. Celebration-it was!

- Some wandering through stores-buying a few things for the house-even though I shouldn't be...but once again, I did.

- Scoring a couple pairs of really flattering shorts, ON SALE - small joys! If you know - I am picky about shorts. They are either too short, too long, too 'I look like I shop in the junior section', and the list goes on. Today- I found just the perfect pair and so I bought three of them, in different colors of course.

 - Going to the supermarket in the middle of the day and beat the crowd! That is more of a bonus than many things that make me happy!

- Making an extremely delicious Veggie Ziti. This as well was a big score for me as well. I rarely cook (unfortunately) and today I had the time, energy, and the actual DESIRE to do so. BIG DEAL people.

 - Taking Romeo for a walk - even if David forced me to run up the hills tonight (after dinner). I could have tripped the guy, but I think this was one of the maybe 3 times I've ever seen him run, so I had to join. 

Small joys but they made the most perfectly normal and enjoyable day. I feel lighter, happier, and excited for all of the exciting things to come - they are just on the horizon. Really exciting times over here. Ended one chapter last week and started a new one this week-couldn't be happier! 

A Monday to remember : ) How was your Monday?

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