Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Funday, things I love

the game of things. I literally played this game all weekend. It's absolutely hilarious and I cried laughing several times playing it last night and today. for some reason it always tend to get awkwardly and hilariously sexual...beware. or not. i don't know if you're into that kinda stuff. hehe


$5 movies at Target. I'm a movie junkie. I can watch my favorites over and over again. I may or may not have watched Serendipity over 30 times....not kidding. I scored these today for $5 and I don't care what anyone says, they are favorites in my book. Who doesn't like Drew Barrymore, cheesy high-school movies, and movies with struggling singers? Yep, I thought so.


I'm addicted. I need to stop eating all of this but I can't help it. It's so delicious. One of the reasons I need to go on a diet cleanse tomorrow and get rid of all of this queso dip I've been eating. The guacamole...not so sure I can give it up. 


watching David play xbox at Best Buy. "Best Buy makes me feel better," as he said! 


Yep, more reason to go on a cleanse diet. Sunday Mcdonald's drive. Yes, we ordered Mickey D's and ate it in the car....fatties, we are.


and of course, homemade apology notes. 


and lasty and most yiayia. It was her 79th birthday on Friday. We had cake at home, sang happy birthday, and the family just hung out. I can't express to you how much I love this woman and how much of a space she holds in my life and mostly, my heart. Since I was born she has lived under the same roof, shared the same bedroom (even bed sometimes) for years, and has been a second mother to me. I love her with all my heart, always and am happy that we celebrated her Friday night : )

I had a great weekend. Hope yours was too! Now I am going to watch some Sunday night shows and hopefully get some sleep : )



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