Saturday, February 8, 2014


I recently began this new eating plan (above) and I'm sure everyone has heard of it and I'm basically just late to the party (as usual)! Since we have moved to San Antonio (and well, for pretty much most of the last 3 years) I have been battling horrible allergies that make me miserable most of the time. It's really not a fun way to spend my days. The only solution is allergy medicine....EVERY DAY. 

I'm weird about taking medicine and fear it's long-term side effects. I start to think about what it can do to my liver in 10 years and then what other ailments can plague my body....then my mind turns to mush and anxiety sets in (it's not really this bad....but I do worry about it constantly). I don't want to have to take a pill every day for allergies and so when someone at work mentioned this Whole30 plan and that it completed changed her life and rid her of what she thought to be 'seasonal allergies' for good....I figured I would do some research. 

I ended up reading the Whole30 book on my iPad in a day and read some testimonials and decided....I'm going to do it. It's a really primal approach to eating my opinion. It's all natural, whole foods to feed your body cutting out the dairy, sugar, grains, and legumes. After the 30 days of 'clean eating' you begin to reintroduce the foods that were initially cut out one-by-one to see how they affect you. It seems like a pretty cool process, right? 

Anyway I am on Day5 so far and feeling pretty good. The second day was a little rough for me - going through detox. I am a fairly healthy eater to begin with but a lot of my energy comes from grains and those sneaky sugars every once in a while - which I am realizing isn't the best. I'm feeling a lot lighter mentally and have a bunch of energy so far. Normally on weekends - you can try to drag me out of bed - but it won't work. I have been waking up without a struggle the past few days and that has been amazing!

Since we have moved to San Antonio my workouts have taken a hit a well - besides a few various yoga classes I can attend during the week. My work schedule has been quite consuming and stressful the past few weeks which leaves little time for "me" this new program has actually forced me to make time to cook healthy meals and have that energy for a small workout. 

Figured I'd share - because I will probably be sharing some meals and progress in my blog here - why not? If you're interested in the Whole30...I have linked it throughout this post but you can find the website here ! 

Have a good weekend : ) 

1 comment :

  1. Quick question? Was it tough reintroducing certain things as a lifestyle change after the whole 30....I'm debating doing 45 days depending on how disciplined I am. I'm going through severe withdraw today on day six, but I will push through. : )


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