Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Boots - Ariat

David asked me the other night if I wanted to take country dance lessons.

It was an extremely rare moment of shock for me. I had to blink a few times until he said "Did you hear me? What's wrong with you?" He went on to explain that he really wants to learn country dance and start taking advantage of being here. The images of David two-steppin' and line dancing literally brought tears to my eyes...I was laughing so hard.

 David who I can barely get to go for a walk with Romeo and I, who would change the country radio station when we started dating...claiming country music was "horrible". He now plays country music at all times. I had to start driving separately in my car, to work because I can't take him belting any more Luke Bryan at 7:30 in the morning! Just kidding...sort of....but I wish you could all see his latest Pandora stations. 

He is now a cowboy boot wearing, country listening, southern living man (yes, the flannel, belt, and all...I can't take it!) and I stand and watch in amazement at how he has completely embraced this new place and home. I never imagined marrying a wannabe cowboy...but it's happening.

I have tried to join him in this full immersion and bought my first official pair of cowgirl boots too. I may live in them (they are so comfortable)! I had to get some boot bling as well (see above)...I practically dove in.

Despite my homesick days; I try following in David's footsteps and am doing my best to fully embrace this new place! We don't really know where life will take us next but I might as well put my boots on and learn a dance or two!

(I will have video of this for proof and sheer enjoyment. It's rare David busts a move-country or not.)
Stay tuned.

Have an awesome week : )

1 comment :

  1. Sometimes I like to take a trip down memory lane and I love these boots. Forgot to tell you. I never did : )


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