My little house is all packed, besides a few left stragglers waiting to be picked up and wrapped. I wandered through each room today; just looking and letting it completely sink in that we will be leaving this tiny little place we claimed as our home the past 1.5 years. There were many memories made here. It is purely bittersweet.
David and I are making our trek to San Antonio, Texas, to start the next chapter in our lives this week. Yikes. We have been so caught up in everything that has been happening over the last month-- it has been extremely overwhelming yet very exciting-- (once my brain has processed it all...and then my heart! ) .
I decided it's time I pay a little more attention to this blog over here. It is the perfect place to document this adventure we are about to embark on ...and the timing cannot be more perfect for all of the changes we are encountering as of late.
Wedding planning got the very best of me a couple months before that magical day happened. We also were in the middle of interviewing for new jobs in San Antonio and traveled there a couple weeks before the wedding.
San Antonio Riverwalk
La Cantera, San Antonio with Niya : )
After the wedding (post coming soon!), we took a mini little break for ourselves and went to Miami for a few days -- we relaxed by the beach and the pool, wined and dined ourselves, savored every sweet memory from our wedding day, and even got a little bit of a tan before we headed back to face the holidays head on.
The holidays, our birthdays...they were a bit of a whirlwind for us -- the last one we'd have here in our place with our families before we packed up and made our way to our new home 1800 miles away. They were special as always - filled with family, food, laughter, and dancing.
David traveled to Texas right before the holidays to start his new job and look for a new home -- which we were lucky to find pretty quickly, after countless nights of searching the internet. The wonders of face-time-- he walked me through each home he went to see until we found the one that we loved.
So here we are...all packed and ready to go. We will start this new year in a new home, new state, with new husband and wife. It's surreal, scary, yet exciting. Keep posted -- I promise this time, I will do my very best to document all of it.
Happy holidays and a happy, healthy, and exciting New Year from our little fam : )
Congrats and good luck on this new adventure. I am so happy for the both of you : ) xo