Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Helllllo Hair.

I'm dying over these hairstyles lately. I don't know how else to put it. If only I had the stylistic expertise to be able to create these works of art.

My creative hair styles extend themselves to 10 minute youtube tutorials on how to create a side braid for those days you really just don't feel like washing your hair. (yes I'll admit it. Come on you've had those days too.) I watch the youtube about 4-5 time before I can master these hairstyles and by "master" I mean - complete them to the best of my ability with only a few mere bobby pins shoved in the mass of hair on my head to keep said creative hair experiment from falling out. 

Which also brings me to the matter of the bobby pin mysterious disappearance movement. Have you heard of it? Millions of bobby pins and hair ties disappear from bathrooms, handbags, cars lately with no trace. Story for another day. I'm waiting for the day the bobby pin bandit dumps buckets full of missing bobby pins on my doorstep : ) 

Anyway on to the hair styles that I currently drool over....which all surround the braid...I'm obsessed. 

                Side view of this beauty.

                    And the front. 

      A braid headband and not one of   those you buy that never quite matches the color of your hair....yes I'm guilty of such an occurrence. 

And my favorite to end! I love this hairstyle. I love the big braid and...wait...are there a few bobby pins in there?!? Keepin' it together Julianne! 

This may be my next project. 
I'll be sure to post tutorials on how to work these master pieces - that is if I ever "master" them which will be unlikely...but I'll try : ) 


  1. You just made me die laughing because Mark finds bobby pins EVERYWHERE. I am forcing my sister in law to learn the fishtail that Padma Lakshmi from Top Chef does and I am like 98% sure she did the braid headband for me in August (I still think it looks better on blondes ugh)

  2. oh my! i adore the braids at the top - i must try and master these! (my other half find the bobby pins and makes then into mini nun-chucks then tries to attack me with them).

    1. I know! I am trying as well! They are beautiful and as for those bobby pins-that is hilarious! At least he's putting them to use! haha


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