Monday, July 22, 2013

change in pace.

It's about time for one of those life changes that you need every 4-5 years. Maybe a change in pace, job,  location, hobby, fitness goal, etc. There are those are completely content in their lives; who enjoy the steady pace of their days, the predictability of their evenings, and the confidence that everything is just the way it should be. And....then there are people (like little 'ole' me) who are content but want more, who need a little change every now and then, a switch in scenery, a new job to grow their talents, and a new hobby to make their time worthwhile. 

I think I'm due for a change. I'm still trying to decide where this change will come from and where it will take me. I've reached a point in life where the most important things in life are constant and that's reassuring but the parts of life that bring excitement are ever-changing and I'm ready for one of those to come rolling my way. So here we go. 

On a lighter note, I mentioned to David the other day, "I need a change." That man said, "Why don't you change the colors in the bathroom like you wanted." I have to love him....
Maybe to spark the inspiration, I will take his advice. I did just buy some pretty new yellow towels. 

: )

1 comment :

  1. I just expressed this in my blog and vlog. Especially to mark. I'll start with my fitness goals. I need a makeover


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