Monday, March 18, 2013

I love.


1. Tea every night before bed. I'm partial to chamomile before bed but sometimes a little berry detox tea is nice too. I love collecting tea, or as David calls it...hoarding tea. I stalk Whole Foods tea aisle every week. I make my aunt bring me back tea from India when ever she visits. I hoard Greek mountain tea like it's nobody's business. David has me giving away some of my tea collection because he says it's getting to the point where it's scary and our pantry can't fit it anymore. Oops.
2. Baths. I don't know that there is much more to say about this. In the dead of the winter, I'm miserable and cold. At night, all I want to do is sink into a hot bath, with a good book. Within minutes the book falls to the wayside, as I just sit there listening to the water running and almost falling asleep; only to be rudely awakened from what ever beautiful dream (involving myself starring in the role of Ally in the Notebook), by David banging on the bathroom door making sure I didn't fall asleep again. Such a charmer, that boy. 
3. Blankets. Do you see a pattern here? I love all things that are warm and cozy. I love blankets. I have an obsession with blankets and buying blankets. I love cozy, warm blankets. I almost sound like a crazy cat lady but....crazy blanket lady. If only you could see my bed. 
4. Milkshakes. Switching it up here. I love milkshakes. Especially chocolate milkshakes. I go through periods of time where I will not have milkshakes, only to then revert to several week periods where I let myself have a milkshake once a week. It's such a terrible cycle but who can resist so much chocolate-y goodness? Yeah, that's what I thought. 
5. Movies. The same rotation of movies. Some nights when I have too much on my mind and it is racing entirely too much where sleep feels like it may be ages away...I do this thing where I put on a movie....not just any movie...Bridesmaids or the Wedding Planner. Don't ask me why it's just those two movies, but it is. I pop the movie in the DVD player, watch a few minutes of it, then turn the volume down a little, turn it off, and then fall fast asleep. Maybe it's the motions, maybe it's the comfort in taking my mind off of what ever it is obsessing over for a few short minutes. Who knows. It helps me. 

I think I am going to do this more often.
What are five things you love? 

1 comment :

  1. Teaching zumba, iced Thai tea, chocolate--godiva, my blue sweats, and modern family.


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