Friday, June 1, 2012

living up my youth, in one week.

i can't begin to tell you what my past two weeks have looked like besides lounging by a pool, listening to call me maybe too many times, reading too much christian grey, and drinking one too many drinks. hey, i'm not complaining, at all but...i guess that is what the beginning of the summer does to you when you have free time before a new chapter/job in your life starts. 
what i am slowly realizing is that i would never ever survive if i lived like this all the time. it's been amazing doing absolutely nothing but at the same time this whole "no structure" thing is making my mind and body so out of whack! 
anyway, what i really came to say is...i have severely been slacking on the blogosphere lately because my freedom and summer has hit me like a bucket of cold water. i've been going crazy enjoying myself and this newfound happy-go-lucky mood all the time. who knew a few 80-degree, sunny days could do that to ya? 

anyway, here are some photos from my past week of crazy before real life starts up again in oh, 10 days. (i still have 10 more days of freedom...i'm not sure i will survive!)

pool days. night swimming.

i read christian grey. i needed something to distract me afterwards. love isabel gillies and her books, happens every day and a year and six seconds.

found him on one of my walks this past week : )

we fell in love. soul mates. sadly, could not take her home with me. ps: did you catch the sweet curling iron burn on my forehead. i rocked that all week as well ; )

who doesn't love razzles?

lots of nights out with friends

and i'm going to leave you with my dance/fat pose....classic kitchen dancing in heels, who doesn't do that?

what's your favorite things about summer? i think that will be my next post. i can't explain how much i love summer and what it does to my overall mood. what about you?


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