this weekend was long and amaaazing. there was a little relaxing, a girl's night, and two days full of the beach and one of my most favorite people on this planet, David : )
and of course i took as many photos as possible. how could i not? i totally wanted to share all of them and everything i did. plus, i actually got dressed this weekend. i couldn't pass the photo opportunities, hehe!
friday night, i hung out with two of my favorite little kids in the world, petey and marissa. i can't quite explain the love i have for these two kids or the amount of laughs that i let out while spending time with them. they consistently let me relive my *kid* days and help me not take life so seriously all the time. we had a pretty eventful night, i must say. we had pizza, baked the best brownies which vickie didn't mess up this time (as they said), and watched alvin and the chipmunks of course. we had such a blast that this is how the night ended (below). Petey passed out while watching the basketball game. Marissa and I curled up in the kids room and watched a cinderella story and planned our summer sleepover. (I severely wish i was 8 years old again).

saturday night was a total girls' extravaganza for one of my best friends, Aileen's 25th birthday! basically, we all dressed up, drank margaritas/sangria, danced a whole bunch, and took a ton of photos, just like any other girls' night, right? since the weather is so incredibly awesome lately (summer's here!) it is so much more fun to go out! plus, the outfit possibilities are so much more awesome.
my best friend is malibu barbie, did you know? hehe
ahh, and sunday david and i drove to ocean city for two days. we haven't spent too much time together lately since his work schedule changed : ( but this was the perfect getaway before i start my new job next week (ahhhh) and he goes to chicago for work : (. look at the clear blue skies! i took this photo as we were going across the bridge into ocean city. i yelled, "put down the windows, i need to smell the jersey shore!" now, i know if you've been there, grew up around here, you totally know what i'm talking about, right? there is no smell like the jersey shore. that is what summer is for me, along with the boardwalk paired with ice cream and some caramel popcorn (but i will get to that later)!

after spending the day on the beach and david frying himself against my incessant attempts at telling him to put sunblock on : ( his feet were not happy campers, hehe ...we decided to get dressed up and go to dinner in atlantic city to check out the new casino. i promise he does smile sometimes but he just isn't the most cooperative photo taker. it could be that i am snapping photos of him and everything else all the time.
dinner was delicious but the sangria was even better. i've been having a love affair with sangria lately. i think i'm going to attempt to make some for the next party, whenever that will be.
skirt: h&m, belt: vintage
me, outside of revel : )
i wanted a big ice cream cone so badly but our drive home was longer than expected. i thought all of the ice cream shops were closed but david drove around ocean city to find one open...and he found one! what a keeper, he is.
top: old navy, jeans: jbrand, bag: marshalls
my rainy sunday outfit. wearing the rainbow.
while we walked the boardwalk it started raining. so we found some cover in the photo booth : )
and of course, johnsons popcorn ended my weekend. i can't go on the ocean city boardwalk without buying a tub and bringing it home. it doesn't last super long in our house but tomorrow i start ripped in 30 days...(well i'm going to try), so i ate it tonight, savoring every bite!
how was your weekend?!
hope it was awesome!