Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekend Re-wind

this weekend went by quickly with nothing too exciting going on but I really don't mind those kind of weekends. spent most of Saturday and Sunday with my mom and my favorite second momma, Shims (I will only call her that name). between some shopping, eating, more shopping, was pretty awesome.

mom and shims

sunday night, instead of sitting on my couch and watching the grammys (I dvr'd them of course), I went to the movies to see The Vow with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams and my lovaaa of course. i had been dying to see this movie since the day i cried watching the trailer. like i said in my previous post, i am way too emotional for these kinds of movies. anyway, it was a complete emotional roller coaster. icried probably most of the movie. it was a good, tragic love story but for some reason it didn't really do it for me but hey, nothing beats The Notebook. i was pretty surprised that it was loosely based on true events. that's scary to think about. Anyway Channing Tatum was absolutely drop dead gorgeous as usual and Rachel McAdams is still my favorite.

then my favorite and i proceeded to buy valentine's box of chocolates and eat them all, just like in the movie. aren't we presh? hehe

 ah, sigh.

Happy Monday!


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