Monday, May 23, 2016

What I'm Reading: May

I've been able to read a few books this past month, more than I normally would have time for. The pregnancy insomnia has kicked in, so after Penelope goes to bed I sit and read voraciously until I fall asleep. I've been staying up later and later every night trying to finish the books I'm reading because they were so good.

Instead of keeping these books to myself, I decided I'd start a mini series of posts every month telling you all what I've read or am planning to read. I'd love to hear your book suggestions too. I'm always looking for something new to read.

This past month, I was in a young adult book mood and read two really good ones but both were pretty dark, I have to admit. They are definitely worth sharing though and if you've read them, let me know what you thought of them!

I've also read another book from a new favorite author of mine, Rainbow Rowell called Attachments. This one was recommended to me from my brother and I have to admit, I had a super hard time getting into at first and then after a few chapters I was hooked.

What I read in April and May: 

Although this is labeled a 'young adult' novel, I really believe any age will enjoy this book and become hooked. I was intrigued from the beginning reading about a wealthy family who summers on a private island every year, the tragedy that occurs, and the ways in which they find their path back to the truth. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. Find it here.

This book and I had a love/hate relationship. I couldn't stop reading but it made me so sad. It's a heartbreaking love story between two teenagers who find themselves through each other. It touches on some super difficult topics. Find it here

This book is a little more lighthearted. I read it after reading the above two, when I needed a break from all of the sadness. Rainbow Rowell has written a few books that I have really liked. This one is one of her adult novels, touching on e-mail exchanges between two best friends at work about their day to day lives and the unlikely person who happens to be monitoring the e-mails. It's funny and refreshing. Find it here.

What I've just started:

I've just started The Weekenders and am already loving it. It's the perfect summer read with a a twinge of suspicion, betrayal, guilt, etc. Mary Kay Andrews always seems to write the books I take on vacation with me and become hooked while sitting on the beach. Find it here.

Last but not least, Along for the Ride, is really not a new book to me. I've read it probably twice (no shame). It's a young adult book by my all time favorite author, Sarah Dessen. I started reading this around the same time I started The Weekenders. Don't ask me how I'm reading two books right now but sometimes I just go back to an oldie but goodies for fun. I totally recommend this book if you're looking for something light and hopeful. Find it here. 

Let me know what you're reading currently or what you thought of these books!
Enjoy xoxo

Friday, May 20, 2016

Happy Friday: things i'm currently loving.

Happy Friday! Here are some things I'm really loving lately!

This Bag. 

This Dress. 

This Book

These Rings

This Cream.

This Front Door

This BackPack for Nel. 

Have a great weekend! xoxo

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Awkward & Awesome Thursdays

I'm going to revive this old post idea from one of my favorite blogs (here) because it's Thursday and because I feel like complaining and then redeeming myself a little by appreciating the good things at the end of the day. Also, I just really love this photo of us above.


- My allergies are non-existent in Texas and I pretty much never really get sick which is AWESOME but I come to Pennsylvania and I now feel like I'm dying with sinus congestion and a head that feels like it weights a 1000 pounds. So awkward.

- How long I can spend on Amazon reading customer reviews. I'm pretty sure any other person would think I'm absolutely insane if they saw me reading sippy cup reviews, just so I can find the right one. I don't even think I can use the phrase "it's a mom thing" for this one. It's just awkward.

- Living in leggings for the last 5 months. I don't think I need to say much more about that one. I don't remember the last time I wore jeans.

- The fact that I have to hang my clothing backwards in my new closet because they have this weird shelf that doesn't allow for me to just simply hang my clothing like a normal person. My inner OCD monster is coming out slowly, as I hang each shirt  backwards.


- The sun peeked out for a whole two hours today. I think I have only seen it once before since we've moved here. I was beginning to think it didn't exist here or that we moved to Seattle. Now I'm waiting for the summer weather because I really want to take my girl to the beach before little man comes. I think she needs some sun, sand, boardwalk pizza, and ice cream.

- The peace and quiet that is happening in my home right now and the cup of tea that is sitting next to me.

- Penelope waking up this morning and singing "Happy Birfday ta ya, Happy Birfday ta ya", even though it's not my birthday. It's her new favorite song and it is the sweetest thing to hear.

- That all my clothing is unpacked and in my closet.....and it fits....and I was able to share a closet with David. Who have I become? I'm not quite sure!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ch Ch Changes.

Last Saturday Penelope and I said 'see ya later' to our home in San Antonio for a while and headed up north back to Pennsylvania. David and Romeo are close behind us and will be saying goodbyes as they bring the rest of our belongings, finishing up the last bit of loose ends to this temporary relocation. 

So. We are in the process of temporarily moving our little family back to Pennsylvania after being in Texas for almost three years for some personal reasons that I'll share sooner rather than later, but I'm just not quite ready at the moment. I'm due in July with little man and am planning to give birth here. One Texas baby and one Pennsylvania baby! This will be quite an adventure, I keep telling myself. 

Everything has been kind of a whirlwind lately. We planned and executed a move within about three weeks because we decided at the time it would be the best thing for our family. We'll need a whole bunch of support surrounding us in the next several months and we will definitely have that here, but it didn't make it any easier saying goodbye to the place we found home the last few years. 

It's actually funny that I was so sad leaving San Antonio because of how much I had absolutely hated it when I first moved (no offense to anyone!). When we first moved there almost three years ago, it was like any place that you haven't grown up or know anything about; new. I was so incredibly homesick and missed the familiarity of where I had grown up. The roads were different, the stores were different, the pace was much slower, the people were different, and the weather was different. Seasons? Yeah, forget it. San Antonio doesn't experience seasons. Summer extends itself for half the year and you have a short burst of fall-like weather for about three months. 

 Little by little, as time went on and Penelope was born, we fixated ourselves into a routine. We explored, immersed ourselves in this different culture, enjoyed slowing down and soaking up life in a new place. We made friends, we wore sandals and tank tops for most of the year (yes!), and ate a lot of great food. We started a family and a life in San Antonio and it soon started holding a special place in my heart and forever will. 

We'll of course be back after we have dealt with some things that are headed our way in the next few months and have hopefully come out stronger and better for them, but it still is pretty bittersweet. 

For now, we need to find it in ourselves to re-adjust and explore in not so much a new place, but a new little journey we have to take in our lives. I have to say I am a little excited to go to a real pumpkin patch this fall in fall-like weather and not '80 degree, wear sunblock or you'll burn" weather. It's been a while!

It's funny how life has its ways of changing things up when they are least expected, crashing into you like a ton of bricks at first, but soon you start to see a little light forming or at least some hope that things will turn out better, and you most of all, will turn our stronger for moving on and living through it. 

So, that's my rant today. Here's to new places, difficult journeys, and the strength to forge on, even when sometimes, you're not quite sure you have it in you. You always do. 

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