So here goes.
1. De-Clutter. Since the holidays have ended and we've taken down the decorations, I've been in a crazy frenzy to de-clutter our home (specifically my closet). One of my goals this month is to completely de-clutter my closet and take into consideration the capsule wardrobe that I have been researching and will be blogging about soon. I want to get rid of things I don't wear any more, organize my closet, and make room for some staple pieces for the spring and summer.
2. Unplug (a little). I think this is super important and speaks for itself. We take so much time taking photos, videos, face-timing, posting photos and videos, scrolling through tweets and instagrams...while life is kind of moving on around us. I need to take a day every here and there and just unplug from it all and enjoy what's going on around me.
3. Yoga. I absolutely love yoga and before I was pregnant, I started going to classes here in San Antonio to meet people. After I found out I was pregnant, I started doing prenatal yoga because the studio I regularly went to, unfortunately didn't offer prenatal classes at the time. I have been slowly getting back into working out after being cleared by my doctor. I have started running again, doing some strength training, doing yoga at home but really want to start going to classes again. My goal for February is to try to make a class at least once a week in between my other workouts.
4. Try something new. This goal is vague but it makes the most sense to me. I have realized that I really enjoy myself when I actually go outside of my comfort zone and do something I don't normally do. This month I am determined to try something new, whether it be a new recipe, going somewhere new, trying a new class, etc. Maybe I'll blog about it ; )
What are some of your goals?
Happy Monday!