I used to love playing pranks on April Fool's day. Yes, I was the girl who would go to school with crutches on April Fool's day with a pained look on my face as if I had broken my leg on a rough round of 'capture' at the park the night before. Once I'd get everyone's sympathy and right before all of my classmates grabbed their crayolas and construction paper to make 'i hope your leg gets better' cards, I'd start laughing and say 'GOT YA'. I used to get so much joy out of seeing the look on people's faces once I tricked them. That's cruel isn't it? Yikes, I promise I'm not that mean.
I didn't have any artfully sneaky and genius pranks today....bummer...but I did smile a few times relishing in years past. So...then I called David and told him I lost my job. (I hope I didn't jinx myself). He didn't like that one and didn't think it was so funny. No, I didn't lose my job....thank goodness but I thought it would evoke some sort of emotion with a strong punch line at the end ( I can hear the sizzle of the drums). It didn't. As I said... "I'm just kidding, " the words trailing ever so slowly at the end, realizing my joke wasn't so humorous. David said, "You need to practice on your pranks." I guess I need to just stick to the whoopee cushion from now on or maybe just concentrate on blogging. My prank days are dead. I'm not allowed to do any pranks for years to come. Sorry guys.
On to brighter things, those pretty flowers up there on my sink (don't mind the messy kitchen behind them) made me happy this weekend : )
Happy April Fools, again : )