I am so freakin' happy October is here and truly suck at this blogging thing lately.
I have been in work/decorate home/sleep mode for the past month and for that I apologize.
I've been trying to figure out how I want to decorate our place while finding space for all of my belongings. Who knew this could take so long!
Anyway, my spirits are high now that Fall is officially here.
I'm seeing pumpkins everywhere!
Put my Halloween decorations up (yes that includes spiderwebs which David totally hates).
Went on a hayride last weekend. Bought beautiful mums to hang outside.
And it's official, I have started planning my Halloween costume. I can't give any details though.
I love Halloween, maybe more than I love Christmas and my birthday (my other two favorite holidays).
When I was a younger version of me, I had this huge obsession with dressing up.
I had an enormous trunk filled with my mom's old dresses, my aunt's old prom dresses, and anything else that they didn't want and I thought was beautiful. It all ended up in there and I proudly wore it all, walking around my house, pretending I was a celebrity, or a big time fashion designer. I was who ever I chose to be and I wore a pretty dress while doing so.
Dressing up was one of my favorite things to do, which is why I think it's only natural that Halloween is my favorite holiday.
I love, love, love dressing up.
I've made an October to-do list:
1. Go on more Hayrides
2. Carve pumpkins
3. Drink hot chocolate
4. Visit a haunted house
5. Roast Marshmallows
6. Eat Candy Corn
7. Go to a Halloween Party
8. Dress up
9. Dress up Romeo
10. Make pumpkin spice cupcakes
11. Make a photo tour of our new little place
12. Watch Halloween Movies
13. Start and finish the DIY projects I've been meaning to do
14. Paint my kitchen
15. Go on a mini road trip with my loves.
16. Eat a caramel apple
17. Make David dress up!
What do you want to do this October?
Here's to a great October and a happy fall : )