I've known the same place in my heart for 25 years.
I had a roommate from birth to the age of 18. Yiayia (grandmom in greek).
I went to college, lived there for a bit, but always felt homesick for this steady constant safe haven.
Steaming hot meals were always made in abundance and with the most steady serving hand behind each of them.
Yiayia was ready to serve you, even if you weren't hungry.
A full home, with toddlers wobbling around, kids playing tag, dogs lying under the tables hiding from getting their tails pulled by the kids.
Everyone crowded around the table; laughing, sometimes yelling, but always together.
This was home for me, all of my life.
This place that my parents created for us was always there and still is today.
I met David and suddenly a home with him was something that came as a vision.
So here I am. Leaving this home to start a new one, one that is all mine.
I am so thankful for growing up in such a full, safe, and loving home.
I have something to guide me in making my home just as fulfilling.
Scary to be leaving a place that has steadily guided me my whole life but just as exciting to start something that will only add to this journey of mine.
Here's to starting a life and home of our own and always going back to the home I so fortunately will hold in my heart.
just some random thoughts on this random evening.