1. American Idol concert, that is all. I am a HUGE singing/talent reality tv show junkie. I love it so much that sometimes I even shed a few tears when one of my favs goes home. I can't help it. Anyway, I went to the American Idol concert tonight with my brother and a few friends. It was a last minute decision and totally worth it. I had a blast and fell in love with Phillip Phillips, more than I all ready had. He is so beautiful, isn't he? Well I think so. I'll share some photos and plenty of videos in another post coming soon. (I went overboard on the photos and videos, I'll admit)...I'm obsessed.

2. I had my first OFFICIAL order of for cupcakes last weekend. It was exciting, fun, and I was so extremely nervous for them to come out completely and utterly perfect. Between baking, frosting, decorating, cutting, gluing....they turned out so beautifully...I could have cried. I took some photos and posted on instagram....which you should follow! @vpapageorge do it! They were Bubble Guppies theme for a birthday party. I am getting more and more excited about this new venture and am really thankful that I am doing something I not only love to do but people will be enjoying as well. YAY! OH and...two more orders for this weekend! Woo hoo : )
3. I get out of work early tomorrow. I don't think I need to elaborate more on this. Basically this is what I will look like tomorrow (as long as there is sunshine):
4. Tentative move-in date for the new place is September 8th. YES WE FOUND A HOME, finally! It's a cute, cozy, temporary little home for us and I couldn't be happier. So to celebrate my happiness (I find a reason to celebrate every emotion I have), I have been spending so much money on housewares, decor, and anything else I could possibly put in our new home. Let's hope I am not broke by the time we move-in!
5. Lastly, I would like to say...I absolutely love summer and everything about it. I love the beach, the warm weather, the sunshine, bathing suits, bright colors, beach hair, the ocean, barbecues, pretty summer night skies, and so on BUT....I am so super excited for the Fall. It is my favorite season and my favorite holiday is coming up. I am a fanatic about Fall, pumpkins, cooler weather, flannels, hayrides, HALLOWEEN, colorful leaves, and hot chocolate. So I am opening my arms super wide to the Fall season. Get here all ready!
Have an awesome Wednesday : )