i think this post is perfect for Sundays because I LOVE love love Sundays. most people dread them because it means work is on Monday, which is completely understandable but to me, there is something so calming about a Sunday.
sunday means either going to church or waking up late after getting some much needed sleep, being lazy, not worrying about dressing up, and just enjoying the day doing....anything.
some Sundays I take my dogs for a walk at the park with my lovaaa. other days, i will stay in on my couch catching up on my DVR or the books i have piled up high, while other sundays s will go shopping with my mom, go to breakfast, make breakfast. Sundays are meant for lazy, last minute plans, normally with a coffee or tea in hand. yeeeeah, I love them, too much.
this past Sunday i loved....
-chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast (the only meal I was able to eat today, woo hoo!)
-that I made myself get out and do things that I would normally do. i've been having a rough couple days, so today was much needed.
-the sun was shining, the weather was somewhat warmer than usual
-went shopping with my lovaaa and bought a really cute outfit that i cannot wait to wear (below)
-had girl time with my cousin and we both got manicures and pedicures (which were tremendously needed on my part)
-had a heart to heart with my parents which included them reassuring me that I was ok (like I said I've been having some rough days)
-had a mini dance party with my favorite little kids in the kitchen
-and am sitting here, blogging, drinking my favorite tea (chamomile), and attempting to relax, so I can get a good night's sleep (which is also tremendously needed)
sundays are perfect.
how was yours?
PS: Enjoy your Monday!
pps: (orsomethinglikethat) i think i'm going to start doing i love sundays every sunday. what do ya think? we could all use some lovin' around here, huh?